Monday, May 12, 2008

Bulletin Drei - Fancypants put to Flight

Given their cool reception to their liberating attempts in the lands of Krussia, the Dreikoller Peoples Council decided to look to Lichtengrein for an outlet of its revolutionary zeal. Pampered by their foppish King Rupert, the immaculately dressed Lichtengreiner troops certainly looked the part...but could they fight??
Rupert met our forces on the fields of SweinPeat... Rupert had obviously paid attention in his BattleGround lessons...choosing to defend between a swamp and a steep defensible hill. Placing himself on the hill (A) with his perfumed grenadiers Rupert seemed very confused on how to motivate his army despite his underserved leadership reputation(good)....Meanwhile on our side the First Consul(1) chose to use the fine Peoples Mounted Guard to thrust to the left while refusing his right and pushing the crack Infantry Collectives in the centre...
While Rupert procrastinated ..the Peoples Mounted Guard battered the Lichtengrein left flank which eventually crumbled as our mercenary border Krossacks undermined their exposed flank. Meanwhile in the centre the DreiKoller Infantry Collectives delivered crushing volleys into the Lichtengrein understrength regiments that simply fled rather have their fine threads holed by our bayonets...
Rupert finally got his splendid Grenadiers to march off the hill only to turn them around and retreat as the catastrophe of his centre was exposed. A general Lichtengreiner rout ensued with our fresh Hussars and Krossack adding blood red to the Lichtengreiner costume...
The victorious Dreikoller troops promptly coined the very popular children's ditti..."Fine Fine Prince Rupert ...he marched his troops down the hill and marched them back again"
An attempt to bring Rupert to battle a week later saw him cower behind his fortifications...prefering to use cowardly diplomacy to agitate the Krussian to thrust at the homeland while the main army was engaged...

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